Amelia "Meg Spectre" Sylvor Greenberg

a Hat That I Made video 2021 video, hat
the artist on a makeshift stage in some sort of warehouse, in a cow print top, black underwear, and a pipe-cleaner headset mic. a small sign behind her says "not an exit" + Enlarge
"Meg Spectre Presents: 'Over the Moon' From The Seminal Broadway Musical 'Rent' 2021
"Meg Spectre Presents: 'Over the Moon' From The Seminal Broadway Musical 'Rent' video 2021 Video, song from "Rent"
Waterloo But I am Overcome With an Extraordinary Sense of Shame video 2020 Video
The artist sitting on a fancy couch with her fingers clasped together, wearing a floral sheet over her head
Waterloo But I am Overcome With an Extraordinary Sense of Shame 2020
American Pie video 2020 Video, Don McLean's "American Pie"
Hannah Megtana: If There Were an Egirl video 2020 video, wigs
the artist in a hannah montana costume, singing
Hannah Megtana: If There Were an Egirl 2020

Amelia “Meg Spectre” Sylvor Greenberg is an interdisciplinary performance artist from New York City. Her practice aims to chew on the inherent overlap (and possible spectrum) that exists between the open/vulnerable, the self-indulgent/narcissistic, and the shameful/cringe, within the contexts of public self-presentation and personal self-understanding. she explores this via video, live performance, ephemera, lore-building and memes that employ para-fictional persona, earnest specificity and honesty in tandem with misdirection, and a recontextualization of both cultural-zeitgeisty and self-specific ephemera, all operating under the ethos of performing without the expectation of mastery or even relative skill.