Paige Esposito is an interdisciplinary artist from Nashville, Tennessee currently focusing on garment construction. She loves bright colors, tiny details and over-accessorizing. Her art revolves around upcycling and exploring creative avenues to work with limited material. Some of her truest loves include swimming in the Ocean and sitting on rooftops. 

Pieces from ‘Barbie Disco’, a wearable art collection by Paige Esposito. + Enlarge
Pieces from ‘Barbie Disco’, a wearable art collection by Paige Esposito. + Enlarge
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Collection Notes

Barbie Disco is the ultimate eclectic crossover between your grandma’s garish home decor & the fantastical dream wardrobe of a doll from the early 2000’s. Creating juxtapositions on the body by using unexpected, eccentric fabric combinations, and the focus on tiny, delicate embellishments are two of the pervading stylistic unifers throughout the collection. 

Each outfit is complemented with handmade jewelry to build a complete customized character, hoping to invoke a nostalgic, niche narrative for every viewer based on personal connotations. In collaboration with the wearer, the garments accentuate the body and help elevate you to your most powerful, unapologetically bold self. All garments and accessories in this collection are 1/1 and made from second hand materials. Barbie Disco mirrors the constant cycle of rebirth in the natural world, reflecting there is always a possibility for a beautiful metamorphosis at any stage in life.