Solli Kim is a designer who was born in California and grew up in Korea. Solli wants to become a more developed self through her failures and experiences. Solli tends to do what she wants to do to enjoy her life without regret. Solli tries to do something that makes her heartbeat. This fashion show is one of them. 

Pieces from ‘Failure’, a wearable art collection by Solli Kim. + Enlarge
Pieces from ‘Failure’, a wearable art collection by Solli Kim. + Enlarge
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Collection Notes

This collection is based on the designer's failure. The experiences and emotions gained through numerous failures were included in this collection. "Why do you think that failure is negative and that everything should be perfect?" People should abandon their greed and impatience a little and remind them to call success. 

This collection was inspired by a silk cloth that looked pretty and luxurious and by its dry, brittle leaves. The flying fabric and leaves look similar in shape, but one flies up and one just falls off. Dry leaves can break down and be a new beginning. Flourish is what blooms and grows, and there must be failures for us to flourish. Flourish had been achieved with solution through countless pains and tribulations. Through this collection, we should think about the experience of frustration through failure and whether it has taught me the way. Choosing failure can succeed more than success.