Mo Green (b. 2003, New Orleans, Louisiana) is a designer. Green strives to convey the pride they have in feeling connected to the many places and people they have called home. Green carries the feeling of home with them, and into their art, creating that home for others to experience. 

Pieces from ‘Rodeo ’, a wearable art collection by Mo Green. + Enlarge
Pieces from ‘Rodeo ’, a wearable art collection by Mo Green. + Enlarge
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Collection Notes

A quarter of the cowboys of the American West were Black people. But most of the media surrounding the old American west largely whitewashes this narrative. Today, a great place to find Black cowboys, and I use that term to mean everyone, cowgals, cowtheys, cowgays, etc, is a Black Rodeo. The excitement in the crowd is so infectious when someone is able to perform the seemingly impossible. Every item of clothing, every practice, every rodeo continues this beautiful tradition of Black excellence. That’s how this collection feels: exciting, humorous and daring, put simply it’s a story well-told. 

This year’s theme is Flourish and that’s just what Black cowboys did and continue to do. This collection showcases the energy, and legacy of Black cowboys, those who grew in a healthy, and vigorous way the seeds of American progress. They defied stereotypes and challenged the expectations of white America. They created an environment for themselves, their children, and future generations where it's okay to make mistakes, but never okay to give up; where found family is just as important as blood; and where it is important to be yourself because there is no one quite like you.