Christina Chahyadi

An alphabetic system of the standardized phonetic representation of the spoken language based on the International Phonetic Association. Each sounds are represented as a circular colored-coded unit. Out of the 107 sounds, the 44 symbols on the solid-color + Enlarge
The Matrix of Language (1/4): The Sonic Signature of English 2023 Print, wood, paper, open-cell polyurethane foams, metal
On a 55" TV screen are 8 graphical visualizations of the anatomical side view of the organs related to the speech production. Using distinct colors, each visualization showcases the specific organs within the speech production system that are involve + Enlarge
The Matrix of Language (2/4): The Mechanics of Sound Production 2023 digital 48"x27"
+ Enlarge
The Matrix of Language (3/4): Exhibition Process, Construction, and Installation 2023 Print, wood, paper, open-cell polyurethane foams, metal 10'x10'
In addition to the Thesis Exhibition, the program conducted a Thesis Defense and Critic which occur from April 2–3, 2023. Conversations were led by long-time visiting faculty and guest critic Silas Munro.   Faculty from left to right: Ellen Lupton, Silas + Enlarge
The Matrix of Language (4/4): Thesis Defense and Critic 2023

The Matrix of Language translates the sonic features and nuances of languages into shapes, hues, shades, sizes, and locations, formed by a network of core sounds, accents, and intonations. Based on the International Phonetic Association, the constituents of more than 7,100 languages can be distilled into 107 sound symbols.

Visualizing these sounds shows the interconnectedness of languages. Sounds, the building blocks of language, are integral in navigating any language system. In practice, graphical guides of speech sounds provide an approachable tool for learning to pronounce words in new languages, empowering people to have agency over their linguistic journeys.