Shruti Balasubramanian

The artwork shows a trailer video of the museum walk-through along with an overview of the exhibition design + Enlarge
The Rove of MAA: Museum Exhibit 2023
The Rove of MAA: Museum Exhibit 2023
The Rove of MAA: Museum Exhibit 2023
A series of four posters for the branding of the museum, The Rove of MAA brings out the essence of the city with vibrant colors and patterns. + Enlarge
The Rove of MAA: Posters 2023
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Laser cut installation - 2 2023 Laser-cut installation, showcasing patterns.
A laser-cut installation with vibrant colors picked from the visual identity of the museum that carries out the patterns in acrylic boards bringing dimension into the exhibit. + Enlarge
Laser cut installation - 1 2023 Laser-cut installation, showcasing patterns.
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Laser cut installation - 3 2023 Laser-cut installation, showcasing patterns.
This zine contains metaphorical references to the objects from the touch board that relates to the city of Madras. It has an image of the object along with what it means and a small story from the city's history. + Enlarge
Madras through the senses: Zine 2023
This zine contains metaphorical references to the objects from the touch board that relates to the city of Madras. It has an image of the object along with what it means and a small story from the city's history. + Enlarge
Madras through the senses: Zine 2023
This zine contains metaphorical references to the objects from the touch board that relates to the city of Madras. It has an image of the object along with what it means and a small story from the city's history. + Enlarge
Madras through the senses: Zine 2023
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Touch Board - 3 2023 Touch board that activates all five senses.
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Touch Board - 4 2023 Touch board that activates all five senses.
A sensory touch board with 27 objects that relate to the city are meant to be interacted with. The objects activate multiple senses like touch, hearing, smell, taste and vision. + Enlarge
Touch Board - 1 2023 Touch board that activates all five senses.
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Touch Board - 2 2023 Touch board that activates all five senses.
A terracotta installation with circular clay objects and acrylic patterns that follow the same language as the museum is suspended from the ceiling and almost feels like a garland that drapes the rear wall. + Enlarge
Terra-cotta installation 2023
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Story Wall - 2 2023 A story wall where the visitors leave a part of their memory of their city concerning the five senses.
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Story Wall - 3 2023 A story wall where the visitors leave a part of their memory of their city concerning the five senses.

The Rove of MAA: A Story of Madras to Chennai

The Rove of Madras is a museum concept that takes visitors on a journey through time, unravelling the story of Madras and its transformation into the bustling metropolis of Chennai. This thesis explores design for the senses as a way of engaging visitors through storytelling. Audio, visual, and interactive installations, use multiple design formats, including patterns, posters, sensory boards, and a publication. From the bustling streets of George Town to the serene Marina Beach, the Rove of Madras is a visual and sensory delight that captures the city’s essence with metaphorical references.