Painting (BFA)

Black, blue, yellow, and red earthenware satellite sculpture; Bright Green and Orange satellite sculptures; bright green and purple satellite sculpture + Enlarge
Satellites 01 2021 Earthenware 15 x 6 x 6
This piece is a double-sided, freestanding, sculptural painting that is split into four quadrants. Each quadrant is sewn to the frame and is both tufted and painted with colors and forms according to curated playlists that center around the artist's visua + Enlarge
/ɔl ɪn maɪ hɛd / 2021 yarn, acrylic and monks cloth on freestanding wooden frame 60in. X 48in. X 2.5in.
Portrait of my grandmother alongside a painted collage-like arrangement of family figures from different photographs. Colorful tulips are embroidered in the background. + Enlarge
Familial Moments 2021 Oil and embroidery on canvas 30 x 40 inches
Two translucent figures are holding hands on their own swings. The swings are hanging off of a giant hand. There are trees with apple behind the figures. The figures have a bunny mask on and there are identical looking butterflies that are different color + Enlarge
The Lovers 2022 Digital
Painting (BFA) Students