Watch current MICA students and recent alumni share their work, ideas, and MICA experiences. Get inspired and learn how you can benefit from a MICA education.
Interdisciplinary Sculpture '21 / Theatre Minor
Hear how Joy Li customized her MICA experience through a wide range of diverse course offerings and the importance of artist collaborations. Working with MICA artists across all disciplines, these key interactions developed into group exhibitions, experimental fashion shows, theatre performances, and now extend beyond her four years at MICA. "Being a part of the MICA community is not just a four year experience, but is a lifelong experience" - Joy Li
Graphic Design '22 / Illustration Minor
Watch Yoonjung's visually stimulating presentation of her design work from MICA's Graphic Design program. Sharing ideas of cultural identity in branding systems to personal explorations of play, Yoonjung shows us how she combines her passion for illustration, branding, food, and the need to play. "For me the subject of play is really important to my practice and thinking about how play is related to the creative process." - Yoonjung Cho
Architectural Design '23 / Painting Minor
Nadeysh talks about her first year at MICA and how MICA's First Year Experience allowed her to experiment with ideas, materials and mediums. From bringing her Honduras culture into conversations to building community with food and designing her current live-work space, Nadeysh offers an inspiring presentation reminding new incoming students to come in with an open mind. "You need to come in with the mindset that you do not know anything, and you will learn everything." - Nadeysh Ojasmar
Art History '21 / Curatorial Studies Minor
Watch as Joyce Liang shares her journey at MICA as a curator of exhibitions, a collaborator of projects, and what exactly made her change her major to Art History. As an independent curator specializing in uncollectible art mediums, Joyce shines a spotlight on how MICA offered her unique and personal opportunities to gain these necessary experiences. "If you actively search in MICA, you will be able to find a path for yourself." - Joyce Liang
Interactive Arts '22 / Game Arts, Sound Arts Minors
Hear how Ringo spent 127 hours working on a project for NASA recreating a 3d rendering of an old spacecraft that NASA no longer has documentation on, and their thesis project, Shirley, an empathy bot. Getting internship experiences like this through MICA's annual career fair allows Ringo to make work that includes a love for robotic arts where they are finding passion in everything they're doing. "[The NASA rendering] was a long term project and I'm going to do it all again this summer, so I'm really excited about that." - Ringo