The Office of Graduate Admission facilitates the process of requesting and being considered for additional funding beyond the scholarships offered at the time of admission. Please note that additional funding is often limited due to the number of requests for assistance and funding in the budget. In situations of serious financial emergency, students may consider taking a leave of absence.
There are two sources of potential funding:
Economic Hardship Grants
Hardship grants may be provided to enrolled domestic or international students experiencing need impacting their ability to cover tuition costs. Hardship Grants are given in the form of tuition discounts, directly reducing the cost of tuition. Enrolled students may submit one appeal per academic year. The number of requests and availability of funding in the budget limits Economic Hardship Grants. Requests are processed by the Office of Graduate Admission and submitted to the Office of Financial Aid for final review.
To be considered for Economic Hardship funding, students must first:
- File a FAFSA at (domestic students only)
- Prepare an appeal letter summarizing the nature and amount of the request (uploaded via form below)
- Complete the Graduate Student Appeal form here
Graduate Angel Funding
Angel funds provide up to $300 in grant funding to assist students facing immediate needs like food or housing insecurity, emergency travel, medical issues, etc. Enrolled student may apply once per academic year.
To be considered for Graduate Angel Funding, students must first:
- File a FAFSA at (domestic students only)
- Collect documentation that summarizes the nature and amount of the financial need (uploaded via form)
- Complete the Graduate Student Angel Fund Request form here
If you are experiencing immediate food insecurity, please visit