MICA has an extremely limited number of spaces for new graduate students. Every year, we receive more quality submission than we can possibly accommodate in the graduate programs. Accordingly, we create an alternate list of candidates that will be considered for full admission if space becomes available.
This page is intended to answer the most pressing questions from our alternate candidates. When you have looked over the information here, you can give us more information via our Graduate Alternate Survey.
What is the alternate list?
Also know as the waitlist, the alternate list is a shortlist of qualified candidates who are ready for graduate study. Due to MICA's space constraints, we were able to offer them admission in our first round, but still consider them to be very strong candidates. Therefore, they are designated as alternates for admission, and will be considered for full admission if space becomes available.
Why am I on it?
MICA can only admit about 10% of applicants. Alternates are generally candidates in the top 20% of our applicant pool, meaning they are extremely strong and qualified. Your application has been well-received by our faculty, and should space become available you will be considered for full admission right away.
Is the list ranked?
No, unfortunately. Since MICA's graduate programs are all small, we carefully build the most diverse and dynamic cohort we can. When a space becomes available in the program, we carefully review each alternate candidate for potential admission.
When will I hear?
It could be as early as mid-April, or as late as early July. The process is an ongoing one, and we will keep you active on our list for as long as you are interested. Whether we have available spaces because not enough candidates accepted our initial offer, or because a candidate has dropped out of the program, we will review alternates for those spaces as soon as we know they are available. We will send periodic updates as we have them, and you can always keep us updated about any other deadlines you might have.
Is there scholarship for alternate candidates?
Yes! All candidates admitted from the alternate list will receive some form of partial merit-based scholarship, ranging from 10% of tuition to 40%, depending on available funds. If you are admitted, we will notify you of your scholarship right away.
What if I have applied to multiple programs, and have received multiple decisions?
MICA's graduate programs conduct distinct reviews: so your status in one program will never impact your status in another. That means if you commit to, or withdraw from, or are on the alternate list for another MICA program, your alternate list status will not be compromised or impacted.
I have more questions! Who can answer them?
The whole team here at Graduate Admission is ready to help! The easiest way to get in touch is to use the live chat feature on this page (in the lower right hand corner). Alternatively, you can email us at graduate@mica.edu. Our goal is to be as transparent as possible about the process to help you make the best decisions for your graduate study!