Black by Design By Diamond James MA in Social Design candidate Diamond James advocates for deeper, co-creative engagement between universities and communities.
Community Arts as a Way of Life Epiphanies often happen during the most mundane of tasks. For Ashley Minner, that moment-when she was able to put a name to her life’s work-came…
Culture of Change Hannah Brancato ’07, ’11 and Rebecca Nagle ’08, co-founders of FORCE: Upsetting Rape Culture, are seeking to not only support survivors…
Winners Announced for MICA Up/Start Venture Competition MICA is pleased to announce the winners of the Up/Start Venture Competition, the college's first pitch and start-up contest for students, graduates…
Siobhan Vicens Since completing her graduate degree at MICA, Siobhan Vicens has led arts integration professional development sessions for Baltimore City educators…
MICA Announces $600,000 Ratcliffe Foundation Grant to Support Future Creative Entrepreneurs Pitch Competition Will Award up to $100,000 for up to Five Winning Teams in April BALTIMORE--MICA has been awarded a three-year, $600,000 grant…
The Korean Community Discover how artists from MICA are giving Baltimore’s growing Korean community voice through art.
A Conversation with Shinique Smith MICA Alumna talks about the people, places, and ideas that have influenced and inspired throughout her remarkable career.
The Changing Landscape of Art & Design Education “What do you see as the major changes in art and design education and how do you see MICA responding to these changes?” This is a question I…
The Art of Urban Environmentalism Find out how MFA in Community Arts students are collaborating with an East Baltimore activist to confront environmental injustice.
Students Recognized by Gates Foundation for Reimagining Children’s Health Records MICA students gain real life experience, showcasing their skill set outside of the classroom in national competitions and large-scale collaborative…
First-Year Juried Exhibition New associate dean Marcus Civin reflects on a strong show by the MFA class of 2017.
A Conversation with Ellen Lupton The director of the MFA in Graphic Design talks about the current state of the field and MICA’s graduate program.
Leslie King-Hammond Graduate Award Incoming and returning students share their perspectives on diversity and creative discourse.
Center for Social Design Learn How Design helps people get the things they need to make their lives better.
Using Creativity as a Weapon Against Ebola Creativity will literally save lives, quickly, if Architectural and Environmental Design Department faculty member and architect Timmy Aziz and…
Social Media Abuzz For ‘ARTPOP’ Album Cover Release Pop singer and songwriter Lady Gaga tapped internationally acclaimed artist Jeff Koons ’76 (general fine arts) to design the ARTPOP album cover…
Joyce Scott: Global Art Icon For many, it’s impossible to talk about contemporary arts and culture in Baltimore and not mention Joyce J. Scott ’70 (art education). The MICA…
Alumni Launch Entities and Initiatives to Integrate Art into Communities Many members of the MICA comm unity showcase their creative and artistic talents through their own small businesses and product lines. Below…
Q&A With Leslie Speer LESLIE SPEER, recently selected to lead MICA’s new B.F.A. in Product Design, is a designer and educator who has worked for companies and clients…
Art Making Change: Creative Makers Purusing Social Justice in the News As artists and designers optimize the power of their work to bring awareness of a number of causes, the idea of socially engaged art is gathering…
Building a Better 3d Printer “These are game-changing technologies…with the potential to change medicine, agriculture, and other critical industries. One goal, for example…
Risks and Rewards: MICA Alumni Succeed as Entrepreneurs Creative businesses founded by MICA alumni stretch disciplines and showcase the endless possibilities of a MICA degree. THUSS + FARRELL Established…