Feb. 14

MICA Talks 2022

February 14, 2022
2 PM – 4 PM
Dipthi Dinesh

The 11th annual MICATalks approaches, an exciting program based on the popular webinar series, TEDTalks, but from a completely artistic perspective where we ask successful MICA alumni to return to campus and share their experiences with current students! Join us online on Monday, February 14th at 2:00PM ET for a MICA alumni panel. Co-hosted this year by First Year Experience and the MICA Program Board, and sponsored by the Center of Student Engagement, the Joseph Meyerhoff Center for Career Development, and the Office of Alumni Relations. This event is open to all students, but will be part of Forum I and II, a year-long First Year Experience Course that includes monthly lectures. The Spring 2022 lectures emphasize Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Globalization (DEIG) and they are dedicated to our beloved FYE Faculty Fletcher Mackey.