Feb. 22

Systemic Oppression As A Public Health Crisis

February 22, 2020
2 PM – 4 PM
Decker Gallery
1303 W Mount Royal Ave
Free and open to the public
Laquan McDonald (drawing 1 of 2), 2016. Charcoal on paper, 30 x 52 in. Courtesy of the Artist.

Presented in conjunction with the exhibition Shaun Leonardo: The Breath of Empty Space, moderated by artist Shaun Leonardo, featuring: JC Faulk, MSOD - Founder, Circles of Voices| Keilah Jacques, MSW - Assistant Director, SOURCE program; Instructor, Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University| Joe Richardson, PhD - Professor, Department of African American Studies University of Maryland College Park; Department of Anthropology and the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, University of Maryland School of Medicine. The content in the exhibition, Shaun Leonardo: The Breath of Empty Space, reflects compounded inequalities and injustices in America. Building on a foundational knowledge of the psychosocial and physiological impact of institutionalized racism on the African American communities in Baltimore and beyond, this panel of health, social justice, and diversity professionals will present strategies for improving the holistic health of individuals and communities while critically examining the influence of anti-blackness embedded in systems and institutions.