This “animation jam” will occur in parallel with the Animation 1st festival in an animation room at MICA, starting from Friday, January 26, to Sunday, January 28. Audiences will be able to check their progress via Twitch. MICA Students will team up in teams of 4 students or more and will ”compete” with teams from BRASSART school from Montpellier (France). A previous Zoom meeting will be organized in January with students from both sides. The animation will start from one image that will be given the day of the event, along with a music segment that will be part of the trailer of the festival. At the end, all the animation segments will be collected to make a film. The final animation will last one minute and forty seconds and will be unveiled during the festival’s closing night program, on Sunday, January 28th in FIAF Florence Gould Hall in NYC. *If you are interested in participating and for more information, sign your name on this sheet. Thank you!! Sign-up Sheet Link: