Danielle Clover-Flick

Two women sitting on the curb of a 7-11 and the text says "Wish U Were Here" + Enlarge
Wish U Were Here 2018 Ink and digital 4 x 6 in
Image of an abandoned Food Court at Landmark Mall, decaying. + Enlarge
Landmark History 2019 Digital and graphite
Landmark Christmas. Digital and graphite + Enlarge
Landmark Christmas 2019 Digital and graphite 8.5 x 11
Landmark Mall is Dead + Enlarge
Landmark Mall Is Dead Cover 2019 Ink and digital 5 1/2 by 8 1/2 in
Comic featuring a character who vomits letters finishing the comic with "I try not to but I talk too much". + Enlarge
Talk Too Much 2020 Ink, watercolor and digital
Image of 3 characters; Robby, looking angrily and pointing at Vanessa who is peeking at the Bat Boy and Robby who are arguing, Bat Boy is not paying attention to Robby. + Enlarge
Skulldesac Scene 2020 Gouache, colored pencil and Digital
2 male characters in the background with fire, a girl in the front surrounded by ribbon with eyeballs on it. + Enlarge
Skulldesac Cover 2019 Ink and digital 8.5 x 11
A comic page depicting a creature venturing through a village which he had previously destroyed, and reflecting upon his actions.  It appears as though he regrets what he did and the people he harmed. + Enlarge
Bat Boy 2020 Digital
Character design of a young girl, about 12 with long blue hair and a red dress. + Enlarge
Vanessa Cromwell 2020 Digital

I'm an illustrator and character designer with a focus on nostalgia in my work. I draw a lot of inspiration from cartoons and animation in general.