Visual development piece showing a background full of trees, short foliage, rocks, and mountains in the distance. The trees are a rounded triangle shape with tall thin trunks and a winding path runs through the middle of the piece all the way to the mount + Enlarge
Home 2019 Photoshop, pencil, pen, ink 11" x 24"
Land of Eyes 2019 Adobe Photoshop, pen 11" x 17"
Ogion's Cabin 2019 Adobe Photoshop, pencil, pen 11" x 17"
Visual development background showing magenta trees in the foreground on the far left and right sides leaning in towards the middle of piece. In between trees there are multiple gravestones in the grass, leading to a small mulched playground with monkey b + Enlarge
Playground 2019 Adobe Photoshop 11" x 17"
Visual development piece, background scene showing four high schoolers standing in a circle in the middle of a library. There is a painted pentagon on the carpet under their feet and many candles on the couches and side tables around them. Shelves with bo + Enlarge
Library Exorcism 2020 Adobe Photoshop, Pen 11" x 24"
Visual development character design piece of a girl of average height with brown skin and a tall, thick ponytail. She is shown in a 3/4ths view facing right, in a front view, in a back view, and in a 3/4ths view facing left. Her ponytail is high on her he + Enlarge
Main Character Turnaround 2020 Adobe Photoshop, Pen 11" x 17"
Visual development piece showing props from visual development project “Unincorporated.” Piece shows frontal views of a multi-colored backpack, a patch with star sewn in, a green distressed notebook, an orange distressed notebook, multiple chewed yellow p + Enlarge
Props 2020 Photoshop, pencil 11" x 17"
A visual development character design piece showing the character named Solace from multiple different angles. Solace is made of fire and wears no clothes, he is humanoid with thick-heeled feet, no toes, long spindly two-fingered hands and a slightly floa + Enlarge
Solace, Fire Being 2019 Adobe Photoshop 11" x 17"

Grace Palmer is a visual developer and illustrator based in Baltimore. She is deeply interested in storytelling in all its forms and particularly enjoys the intricacies of world building and telling stories through background, prop, and character design.