Hannah Ryan (Graphic Design + Humanistic Studies)

Digital render of a snow globe depicting a necklace and a flower paperweight, among other supporting objects + Enlarge
Vessel 01 2020 Cinema 4D
Digital render of a snow globe depicting a stuffed cat, and the events of a road trip through various objects + Enlarge
Vessel 02 2020 Cinema 4D
Digital render of a snow globe depicting a stuffed owl, Texas, and California, among other supporting objects + Enlarge
Vessel 03 2020 Cinema 4D
Digital render of a snow globe depicting a stuffed rabbit, among other supporting objects + Enlarge
Vessel 04 2020 Cinema 4D
Digital render of a snow globe depicting a doll keychain surrounded by other supporting objects + Enlarge
Vessel 05 2020 Cinema 4D

This project is a result of nine months of research, iteration, process, and creation. My final pieces are vignettes of others’ memories of their most nostalgic objects. Each globe is accompanied by a personal story from participants to help give more explanation to each composition. In representing nostalgia, I found it easier to ground my project in something physical in order to bring my more conceptual research into the physical realm for my design work. I titled my project “vessel” because I felt that these objects all represent more than meets the eye, and they’re carriers of valuable stories and emotion.