The M.P.S. in Business for Creatives (Online) program is designed to support those who are seeking the skills needed to start, sustain, and/or grow an arts-related business, both recent graduates as well as students who have been out of school for several years. The program is designed primarily for visual artists, design professionals, architects, illustrators, musicians, actors, writers, craftspersons, performing artists, and supporters of the arts who are looking to gain business acumen, but it is open to all students who feel that this training and our program structure will benefit them.
Application Requirements & Procedures for the M.P.S. in Business for Creatives (Online)
1. Graduate Admission Application Form: completed and submitted online via SlideRoom.
2. Curriculum Vitae/Resume
The CV/Resume should provide the admissions committee with information about any professional/educational experiences or skills you have that provide insight into your preparation for a business-based graduate program.
3. M.P.S. in the Business for Creatives Statement of Purpose (500-700 words):
Please provide a written statement regarding your interest in MICA's Business for Creatives (Online M.P.S.) program, and why now is the right time for you to undertake graduate study. What skills from your background have prepared you for this degree? If there is an element of your CV/resume or transcript that would benefit from additional context, please share how that factor would be mitigated during your time in this program; for instance, if you had a low GPA during your undergraduate degree, what makes you feel confident in greater academic success moving forward?
Business for Creatives: In particular, please indicate why you are interested in honing your entrepreneurial skills, and what you hope to gain from this degree.
4. Transcripts
An official transcript from the institution that granted your most recent degree will be required of admitted students in order to matriculate. At the application review stage, though, a transcript (either unofficial or official) from EACH institution where you have earned credit is required to enable the admissions committee to effectively assess the candidate’s academic history and preparedness for this program. Our holistic review process, designed to accommodate all learners including those whose focus may have changed since college, relies more on the individual courses taken than a single metric such as GPA.
*5. Portfolio and Portfolio Narrative
Candidates may submit up to 10 portfolio pieces (such as samples of your intended product or service, pitch decks, case studies, business plans, strategy documentation, etc.) that provide insight regarding business, marketing, financial, or other related proficiencies. Please include 1-2 sentences for each piece providing context about how it supports your candidacy for the Business for Creatives (Online M.P.S.) program.
6. $75 Application Fee
Payable via credit card during the application submission stage online.
7. Additional Requirements for International Applicants
International candidates whose primary language is not English must demonstrate proficiency in both written and spoken English. Additionally, certified translations of all transcripts and school documentation must be provided. For additional information on international applicant requirements, please visit Information for International Graduate Applicants.