Decker Library Spaces
Located on the first floor and basement of the Bunting Center at 1401 West Mount Royal Avenue, Decker Library offers a variety of spaces and resources to support creativity, learning, and exploration.
First Floor Features
- Access Services Desk: Check out books and films, pick up items on hold, access course reserves, and request Interlibrary Loan items. You can also ask questions, pay fines, renew, and return items here.
- Recreation Station: A wide array of supplies such as markers, yarn, old magazines, and more are available for use.
- Board Games and Game Console: Enjoy our collection of board games (in-library use only) and our very own game console.
- New Materials: Explore new books, films (available for checkout), and periodicals (magazines, journals, newspapers, available for in-library use only).
- Topical Displays: Discover Decker Library resources through displays covering a wide range of topics.
- Exhibition Cases: View curated exhibitions that showcase various themes and subjects.
Lower Level Features
- General Stacks: Browse our extensive collection of books.
- Film and Video Collection: Access movies and television series available on DVD and Blu-Ray.
- Research Help Desk: Receive walk-up help from librarians when staffed.
- Library Meeting Room: A meeting space that fits 10-12 people comfortably. More information about booking this space.
- Library Classroom: A dedicated space for library instruction and classes.
- Exhibition Case: Additional space for curated exhibitions.