Decker Library

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Your Gateway to Art and Design Exploration

Dive into our rich collection of academic articles, scholarly writings, images, streaming videos, and more. Whether you're on a quest for a specific piece or exploring options to borrow from other libraries, Decker Library is here to assist you.

  • Scope: We're dedicated to supporting the curriculum in visual culture, including the intricate relationship between art and culture, as well as connections with other artistic disciplines.
  • Emphasis: Our collection shines a spotlight on the transformative 20th and 21st-century visual art and design landscape. We take pride in developing a collection of diverse and inclusive resources to represent all aspects of the curriculum at MICA.

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We offer articles, images, and streaming video through several databases, with most integrated into our catalog, but not all.

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Find Special Collections

Special Collections at Decker Library feature rare and historic items, including artists' books and MICA historical materials.

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That's what Interlibrary Loan is for! You can borrow something from another Library and get it delivered to MICA or directly to your email, for free!

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