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Sustain our Soil for our Food: A Visual Appeal to Food Consumers 2021
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Sustain our Soil for our Food: A Visual Appeal to Food Consumers 2021
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Sustain our Soil for our Food: A Visual Appeal to Food Consumers 2021
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Sustain our Soil for our Food: A Visual Appeal to Food Consumers 2021

With 7.9 Billion humans on Earth as of November 2021, and an expected 10 billion in the year 2057 (United Nations/Worldometer), we hold vast potential to sustain and restore the grand resource of our soil through the simple act of eating. We have the purchasing power to support food producers, and advocacy to reach policymakers. Around such a humble routine, low effort shifts in behavior determine and drive food industry change. This project investigates the intersection of organic carbon storage in soil with climate change and food production sustainability. The intent of the web-based interactive data visualization application prototype is to spark curiosity and compel consumers to engage in their food chain and ecosystem role, by exploring the countries some of their food comes from and the organic carbon content in soils as a metric of health that extends beyond soil to us and to the planet.