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Title Page 2024

Capstone Final Presentation_RosarioMolina-compressed 2024

This project is meant to visualize the city of Ferndale, MI’s budget at a high level and with a focus on displaying the city’s financing over time and demonstrating upcoming, projected funding deficits. I wanted to make a case for the necessity of some sort of change in light of an expiring city millage. With the upcoming millage expiration, the city must either pass a new millage or decrease funding significantly to keep from running out of money. The city government attempted to pass a proposal to both restore the expiring millage and increase it, but residents voted it down due to a mix of misunderstandings and mistrust of the city government. It is my hope that my prototype will empower residents to clearly understand the situation and have a fruitful discussion with the city to work together towards a solution for the funding problem that works for everyone.