
Product Design Minor

Product Design is for those who want to change the look and feel of everyday life.

Think of all the things that we use (phones, glasses, coffee makers), that we used to use (kids toys), that we will use (assistive devices in old-age), that are used on us (medical devices, police body cameras), that we consider using (all the commercials for products we see but don't buy), or that we may never use but make us think (conceptual products in a museum gallery). All of those things were designed by a Product Designer. 

In the MICA Product Design program you’ll learn the hard skills of sketching and prototyping, create 3D computer models and realistic renderings, understand the expressive and functional qualities of materials, identify and design for user needs and desires, and learn how to communicate your ideas to clients and collaborators. 


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Featured Course

Entrepreneurship Workshop

The links between design and entrepreneurship are the focus of this workshop, in which students learn key aspects of self-generated businesses enterprises that permeate the spirit of innovation and start-up mentality. By participating in a team project that spans the semester and brings to focus the entrepreneurial process and its social and economic dimensions, students are exposed to the different types of entrepreneurial ventures -small-business venues, innovation clusters, social entrepreneurship, etc.-and review the bases of the entrepreneurial culture including mentorship, networking, risk-tasking, etc.

Meet the Faculty

Karl Williamson

Karl Williamson

Karl Williamson is product designer and educator. Over the past 15 years his design practice has led him to work in the areas of product design, exhibit design, theater production, fine art, and collectible design.

Learn more about Karl

Program Advisors

Product Design is a collaborative and ever-changing discipline. To keep connected and inspired, we turn to the brightest folks at MICA and beyond for an array of creative and industry insights.