
Brown Center — named for Baltimore philanthropists and former MICA trustees Eddie C. and C. Sylvia Brown — was built specifically for design- and time-based media programs, housing classroom and studio space for Animation, and both graduate and undergraduate Graphic Design programs.

It also features the 525-seat Falvey Hall, Leidy Atrium, and Rosenberg Gallery. Architectural Record called it the finest modern building erected in Baltimore or Washington in a quarter century.

Did You Know?

The Browns’ gift to help construct Brown Center was one of the largest gifts to an educational institution by an African-American family in the country's history.

“If you look at all the buildings, I think Brown Center is what grabs your attention. When it rains, you can see the water dropping by on the windows, and when there is light, it makes really cool shapes and shadows.” -  Eun Young Ko ’19,  Architectural Design

Visitors view a suspended art installation in the Brown Center.
Student work is often hung is Leidy Atrium during the annual Commencement Exhibition. + Enlarge
Activities are held on Cohen Plaza, outside of Brown Center, during Parent and Family Weekend. + Enlarge
Graphic Design seniors hand their work as they prepare for the Commencement Exhibition. + Enlarge
Visitors view a suspended art installation in the Brown Center.


Justin Tsucalas

Installing the Graphic Design Commencement Show


Justin Tsucalas

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