Self-Guided Walking Tour

2. Dolphin Design Center


MICA's newest building, the Dolphin Design Center, houses state-of-the-art fabrication labs, classrooms, and collaborative areas for BFA programs in Architectural Design, Game Design, Product Design, and Interactive Arts, as well as studio minors in Game Arts and Sound Art.

The 25,000 square foot building functions as a space for 21st century creative makers, and is a dynamic facility that fosters creativity, collaboration, and entrepreneurship for the next generation of artists and designers.

The Dolphin building has a woodshed downstairs on the first floor. It’s very extensive. It has bandsaws, table saws, C&C routers, a plastic crimper, a vacuum-forming tool, drill presses, all sorts of hand tools that you might need. That is very useful because when you’re completing assignments, you don’t have to run to all ends of the campus. I think that’s one of the strengths of the campus overall: Wherever you are, you’re pretty close to the tools you’ll need for your major.” - Herschel Ruben ’21, Product Design

Product Design student space in Dolphin Center. + Enlarge
Students and faculty work in the Game Lab. + Enlarge

During finals week, students in the Architectural Design program work in their designated space on the fifth floor of the Dolphin Design Center.


Justin Tsucalas

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