
The Gateway marks the entrance to MICA’s campus and Baltimore Station North Arts and Entertainment District. A cutting edge residence hall, the Gateway’s three- and four- bedroom apartments and artist studios circle a landscaped courtyard. Other building features include a multi-story studio tower, students space galleries, a performance space known as BBOX, and the Joseph Meyerhoff Center for Career Development.

Did You Know?

The Maryland Chapter of American Institute of Architects presented MICA with a 2009 Honor Award for excellence in design for the Gateway.

A student sits at a desk in a Gateway apartment
A student cuts cardboard with an Exacto in a residential studio in the Gateway building.
Commencement show installed in the Gateway gallery.
A student sits at a desk in a Gateway apartment

Gateway apartment


Justin Tsucalas

A student cuts cardboard with an Exacto in a residential studio in the Gateway building.


Justin Tsucalas

Commencement show installed in the Gateway gallery.


Justin Tsucalas

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