Graduate Program Assistant
Lead Teaching Assistant coordinates and manages the academic aspects of MICA’s Pre-College Art and Design Residency Program, a summer program for high school art and design students.
The MOSAIC Center is committed to the needs of future generations of artists, designers, scholars, and educators. By facilitating, supporting, and promoting cross-cultural awareness, dialogue and interaction, MOSAIC builds inclusivity and understanding for the entire MICA community.
Culture & Identity Fellows connect students through mentoring and co-curricular learning and is designed to produce a group of student leaders who embody the values and support and stand in solidarity with those who are feeling marginalized or underrepresented.
Community Site Leaders (CSLs) participate and support community-centered opportunities and initiatives within Baltimore City alongside Partner Organizations. This role is offered to students via the MOSAIC Centers: Community Arts and Service (CAS) Program. MICA students interested in Art Education, Social Justice, or Community Organizing will gain experience in those areas as part of their time in this role.
Lead Teaching Assistant coordinates and manages the academic aspects of MICA’s Pre-College Art and Design Residency Program, a summer program for high school art and design students.