Dear Graduate Students,
As we approach the “ideal” date for studio move-out (Saturday, March 21), I write to you with details intended to create a safe and efficient exit. Please read this information carefully. Our Graduate Operations Coordinator Malvina D’Alterio and others on our Graduate Studies staff have spent several hours crafting this message in order to provide you the most caring and helpful information possible using the fewest number of words.
Note: Everyone should check their MICA email at least once per day so as to stay aware of the situation as it evolves. Thank you!
Studio Move-Out
First, a message from Malvina D'Alterio, Operations Coordinator: I know this is an unprecedented and trying time when we are all unsure about what is going to happen next. In the coming days, please try to take some time to relax while working towards getting yourself and your studio off-campus safely. Members of the Graduate Studies staff (some are on campus through March 20) and I (virtually via are here to help as much as we can.
Take care,
Good to Know
- Students will not be charged for leaving belongings behind.
- Students will not be charged for holes or paint on walls as there is no time to reasonably make these repairs.
- First-year students who will be returning in the Fall, should endeavor to move out as much as possible, or take enough with you so you can complete spring semester work online or through alternative means.
- May 2020 graduation candidates should try to move out all belongings.
- Students who have already left or cannot return to campus before March 27 due to self-quarantine restrictions, please see below for more information.
- If possible, ”stored in place” belongings should be moved to the center of the studio so Facilities can clean and repair walls at a later date.
- Label any belongings stored in place with the owner’s name, telephone number, and student ID number.
- Take a photo of whatever is “stored in place” so there is a record of what was left behind. Use a smartphone or other similar modest means.
- Students are no longer able to check out equipment from Exhibitions as there are no Exhibitions staff on campus. Your goal is to move-out as quickly as possible; do not attempt to achieve quality documentation of your work at this time.
Social Distancing Logistic for Students Moving Out
As we strive to maintain Social Distancing procedures recommended by the CDC, we understand in practice that some might feel a bit awkward and strange. Please consider the following advice if you and /or your program have not already done so:
- Designate members of your cohort, friends or family as part of your mutual-assistance “pod.” These people agree to let you know where they are and how they are minimizing risk. Within your own comfort, these people can be closer than 6 feet.
- Keep a 6 foot distance from everyone else.
- Stagger elevator trips.
- MICA is closed to the public. Prop doors that have door stops installed to minimize door handle contact, but do not put wood chucks at the top hinges. Multiple door stops were installed last week along with locking top hinge mechanisms; make use of these.
- Be patient. Be patient. Be patient.
Graduate students have been given an extension until March 27th to clean out their studios only. No work should be done at this time. However, we do want as many students as possible to move out by 3/21. Do not wait until the last minute. In order to support everyone’s health by ensuring social distancing, we ask that you try to comply with the recommended staggered schedule below. Please try to move with your cohort as closely in line with the schedule as possible. We do realize that some students have to rent vans or get people to assist them, so if you have already made plans, please keep those plans.
Programs in Lazarus Center - Floors LL, 4, & 5
- Hoffberger School of Painting - Wednesday Afternoon 3/18, Thursday 3/19, Saturday 3/21*
- Mount Royal School of Art - Wednesday Afternoon 3/18, Friday 3/20, Sunday 3/22*
- PEM - Thursday 3/19, Friday 3/20
- MFACA - Thursday 3/19, Friday 3/20
- Curatorial Practice - Thursday 3/19, Friday 3/20
Programs in the 1801 Falls Road side of Lazarus Center
- Rinehart School of Sculpture - At any time this week, provided you use the Rinehart studio garage door for access/egress.
- MASD - Wednesday Afternoon 3/18, Thursday 3/19, Saturday 3/21*
- Illustration Practice - Thursday 3/19, Friday 3/20
- Illustration - Thursday 3/19, Friday 3/20
- MAT - At any time this week should you need to pick up items from the MAT Workroom.*
Due to the time crunch, we’ve updated move-out days accordingly.
- Fox, Brown, Film Centre - Please follow your director’s instructions for leaving campus.
Special Cases & Class of 2020 Students
Please contact your program director and cc Malvina D’Alterio ( to let us know if you anticipate needing the extended access between 3/23 - 3/27
Students with Keys
This only applies to GPAs, Curatorial Practice 2nd years, and 4 Hoffberger Students. Please put the key in an envelope with your name on it and do one of the following,
- (Preferred) Return to Graduate Studies staff by 3/20
- Request access to the Graduate Studies office from a Campus Safety Officer to place under Stacey Salazar’s door (L 127). Show them this email if needed.
- Mail the key, insured, to Malvina at
Malvina D’Alterio, Office of Graduate Studies
Maryland Institute College of Art
131 W North Avenue
Baltimore, Maryland 21201
Those Who Have Already Left or Cannot Move at This Time
Humans First! DO NOT COME BACK TO CAMPUS UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES if you are currently under self-quarantine through 3/27, or if any of the below applies to you—in which case you must self-quarantine for 14 days effective immediately.
- You have traveled 50 miles outside of Baltimore since March 11th.
- Are feeling sick or suspect (or know) you have Covid-19.
- Come in contact with someone who is sick or suspects (or knows) they have Covid-19.
If you fall into this category, please contact your program director immediately to arrange for someone to assist you in getting some of your belongings to you and/or stored in place. We will be working on ways for you to pick up your belongings on an ad hoc basis in the future.ResourcesTrash ReceptaclesLast Friday 3/13, 2 dumpsters were delivered to the East Lot and extra garbage cans were added to each floor of Lazarus Center. An additional dumpster is being delivered to the Fox building tomorrow 3/20. Please make use of these receptacles. Note: Facilities is running on a skeleton crew and will be doing so for the foreseeable future. In order to reduce trash being handled by multiple parties as much is possible, please do not leave trash on the floor, or next to garbage cans.If you find yourself needing more garbage bags, please contact Malvina, or see the front desk security guard so we can call the request in to Building Services.
Moving Bins
Normally Lazarus Center has 3 or 4 rolling, open-top bins at our disposal. These may still be in the building or have migrated to other parts of campus--we are actively trying to track them down. In order to facilitate move-out, 3 additional bins have been placed in the vicinity of the Lazarus Center security desk. Limited to 1 bin per person at a time, you may check them out/in from the Lazarus Center security desk on an honor-based system. Note the following guidelines:
- Please only request them when you are packed and ready to move.
- Do not take them to store items.
- Return them to the Lazarus Center security desk when you are finished. Do not pass them off to someone else when you are done.
- Do not take them beyond Lazarus Center. They are not for moving out of your dorm, home/apartment off campus.
Note: It is very important that bins be returned and checked in after each use. We are counting on students to abide by this honor system so all can move out in a timely and safe manner, while adhering to social distancing guidelines. If students are unable to do this, we may need to implement additional accountability measures, which we do not wish to do during this emergency move-out.
Cleaning On Campus
Reducing the spread of germs
There have been questions regarding “deep cleaning” on campus while students are in the middle of move-out. Facilities is not “deep cleaning,” but disinfecting with a chlorine-based agent applied via an electrostatic spray to minimize aerosolization of the chemical. For your safety, and to reduce the spread of Flu A and B, this has been going on three times a week in all high-traffic areas since the start of the Fall semester. Due to Covid-19 and in an effort to reduce the risk of community infection, they have expanded the application of disinfectant to all common areas, including communal computer keyboards, mice, and screens. To make it easier to our Facilities Management cleaning team to access all common areas, please clear papers or other materials off surfaces.Food & KitchensAs per the earlier email from Facilities, please make sure to throw out or take any and all food with you to maintain sanitary conditions. If your program has a community fridge, please throw out all items that remain in the fridge. You do not have to come back to campus if you left food behind. Let your director or someone in your cohort know you have food in your space, and where to find it, so that it can be thrown out.