MICA Fitness

Rules + Guidelines

Public Health Guidelines

MICA Fitness is only as strong as we make it. Everyone needs to work together to encourage a friendly, open and welcoming environment.  As such, we ask the following:

  • Wipe off machines before and after use
  • Participants are expected to be responsible, courteous and safety conscious.
  • Participants are encouraged to consult a physician prior to beginning an exercise program.
  • Exercise at your own risk; Exercising is beneficial but may expose you to many possible injuries.
  • When in doubt, ask the Fitness Staff for help.

MICA Fitness Guidelines

MICA Fitness Guidelines are designed to promote a healthy, safe, and fun fitness experience. MICA Fitness Reserves the right to prohibit behavior that is inappropriate or may place participants and facilities at risk.

  • MICA ID is required. Transfer of MICA ID or assistance with an ineligible entry is considered fraud and membership will be suspended
  • Alcohol, tobacco or illegal substances are not permitted
  • Exercise areas are food-free zones
  • MICA Fitness is a pet-free zone
  • Beverages are permitted in a shatterproof container with a closed lid
  • Filming and/or photography is not permitted unless authorized by MICA Fitness Center staff
  • MICA is not responsible for lost or stolen items

Proper Athletic Attire is required, this includes but is not limited to... 

  • Shoes, shirt,  athletic pants/shorts must be worn at all times
  • Only clean, closed-toe athletic shoes with non-marking soles are allowed
  • Clothing must be free of snag-prone features (IE: cargo pockets, zippers, drawstrings)

Guest Policy

  • All members of the Fitness Center may bring a guest up to 6 times in a school year. 
  • Guests will fill out a liability form at the front desk during the first visit. For subsequent visits, they only need to give their name to the desk attendant. 
  • Members must remain in the Fitness Center with the guest. 

Necessary Forms

There are two required forms for membership at the MICA Fitness Center. These must be filled out in their entirety at registration during open gym hours. The Liability Agreement is a form in preparation for your participation in activities sponsored by MICA. The PAR-Q is a questionnaire regarding your ability to be safely active. Please note that by checking yes on any of the boxes on the PAR-Q, you will be required to complete a Physical Clearance Form with your primary care provider (likely back home).