Tuition and fees must be paid to Student Account Services on the payment due date. Failure to meet the payment due date may result in cancellation of enrollment and registration and the imposition of a late fee.

Tuition and Fees for Online Graduate Programs

Tuition and Fees found here are for the following graduate programs:

  • The Business of Art & Design (Online MPS)
  • Data Analytics & Visualization (Online MPS)
  • User Experience (UX) Design (Online MPS)


Program Tuition per semester
The Business of Art & Design (Online MPS) $9,844
Data Analytics & Visualization (Online MPS) $9,844
User Experience (UX) Design (Online MPS) $9,844

*Per semester tuition cost ($9,844) x number of semesters to complete program (4) = ($39,375) / total number of semester hours to complete the program (30) = cost per credit hour ($1312.50).


Deposit Amount
Graduate Admission Deposit (non-refundable, applied to tuition) $500

Sample Billing For A Student Who Started In Fall 2024

    2024–25 Charges
Term 1: Fall
2024–25 Charges
Term 2: Spring
2024-25 Charges
Term 3: Summer
2024-25 Charges
Term 4: Fall
Billed   8/1/24 12/1/24 4/1/25 8/1/25
Payment Due   9/1/24 1/6/25 5/1/25 9/1/25
Tuition   $9,375 $9,375 $9,844 $9,844

Questions? We can help.

Office of Financial Aid


Bunting Center 1401 W Mount Royal Ave Baltimore, MD 21217