Fiber Resources

Material Costs in the Fiber Department

Material costs are created to replace costs for the variety of consumable materials that each class uses for their workshops.

Material cost supplies are requested by your instructor for their course materials and are prepared by the Studio Managers for the upcoming semester.  The course materials are often placed in class boxes or kits and distributed during class workshops. These "Class Material Costs"  are payable at the MICA Store. We hope that all payments are made by Friday, February 21st by 5pm.

Paying for the Class Material Cost

  1. If students can pay for their material cost directly to the MICA Store, they should pay by Friday, February 21st by 5pm
  2. Any student enrolled in a Fiber Dept course facing financial hardship can email their Financial Aid Counselor to request funds for Material Costs. Students should email, Subject heading: Fiber Material Costs by Friday, February 21st by 5pmThis link describes each student’s Financial Aid Counselor.
  3. Student enrolled in a Fiber Department course who identify as BIPOC and would like to apply for financial assistance through a restricted department fund should email with the subject heading: "Funds for BIPOC" by Friday, February 21st by 5pm. *If you or someone you know would like to donate to this special and supportive fund you can visit this link, click Make A Gift, click Choose Other to specify Friends of Fiber.

These courses have Material Class Costs. If you have any questions concerning the cost and what was included for supplies, please ask your instructor.

  • Introduction to Fiber
  • Story Quilts
  • Loom as Translator
  • Parade and Procession
  • -Sew Tech
  • Natural Dye Workshop
  • Garment Design & Production
  • Silkscreening on Fabric

There could be additional material cost associated with certain techniques and facilities:                                                                    

Example: Students who are taking a course where the TC2 loom is being taught and the loom is planned in the curriculum will not need to pay for the cost of the warp. However, students who are returning to use the loom and are not currently in a class who is using the TC2 loom will be able to weave 36 inches on department cost. Once they weave over 36 inches, the department requests students pay for the warp materials.      -Warp thread cost for the TC2 loom     33 cents and inch

Please contact our Chrissy Day ( or Jenelle Legge ( if you have questions concerning using the TC2 Loom.