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- "Churches in Baltimore and beyond are shedding worshippers," Midday, WYPR, December 11, 2024.
- "A Shot in the Dark: Examining Gun Laws and Public Opinion," Future City, WYPR, July 26, 2023.
- "Life After Privacy," New Books Network (podcast), September 20, 2021.
- "The Digital Threat to Privacy", Bookstack on American Purpose (podcast), July 28, 2021.
- "Is your Personal Privacy Dead?", Something You Should Know (podcast), April 8, 2021.
- The Gun-Rights Movement Helped Fuel Capitol Insurrection," WDET, January 19, 2021.
- "Do Guns Make us Free?- Podcast with Brady United President Kris Brown," Red Blue and Brady, January 15, 2021.
- "Nao podemos salvar nossa privacidade, mas a democracia nunca precisou dela," BBC News Brasil, January 6, 2021.
- "No podemos salvar nuestra privacidad," BBC News Mundo, December 4, 2020.
- "Is Data Privacy Still Possible?" Brink, November 10, 2020.
- "'Life After Privacy': Firmin DeBrabander's Warnings About Surveillance & Democracy," WYPR, October 15, 2020
- "Talking about Life After Privacy," KZFR, September 9, 2020
- "There's never been a Golden Age of Privacy, and there probably never will be," interview with Firmin DeBrabander, author of Life After Privacy, Shondaland, September 2, 2020.
- "Privacy is dead, but it may not matter as much as we think," Digital Trends, interview, August 21, 2021
- "Mass Shootings, Race, and Political Hand-Wringing over Gun Control," WYPR, February 26, 2018
- "Online Privacy Issues: What the latest Facebook problem might mean for its users," Maryland Public Television, March 26, 2018
- "The Privacy Paradox: We Say We Value It. What We Do Online Suggests Otherwise," WYPR (May 9, 2017)
- "Does privacy matter? Can you say why? (episode 234)," Roughly Speaking with Dan Rodricks, The Baltimore Sun (Apr 11, 2017)
- "Author Speaks to UVA Class About Gun Laws," (Mar. 14, 2017)
- "A philosophical lift for those troubled by Trump (episode 175)," Roughly Speaking with Dan Rodricks, The Baltimore Sun (Nov. 15, 2016).
- "Will the Orlando massacre change anything? (episode 108)," Roughly Speaking with Dan Rodricks, The Baltimore Sun (Jun. 14, 2016)
- "What we talk about when we talk about Sheila Dixon," Roughly Speaking with Dan Rodricks, The Baltimore Sun (Mar. 29, 2016).
- "Boisi Center Interview: Firmin DeBrabander," Boston College (October 22, 2015)
- "Anti Revolver Held: Firmin De Brabander vs. de Amerikaanse Wapenlobby," De Standaard (December 19, 2015).
- "Congressman Elijah Cummings; 'Rhetoric of the Apocalypse'," Roughly Speaking with Dan Rodricks, The Baltimore Sun (Dec. 7, 2015).
- "Congressman Elijah Cummings; 'Rhetoric of the Apocalypse'," Roughly Speaking with Dan Rodricks, The Baltimore Sun (Nov. 10, 2015).
- "Congressional redistricting; gun violence; Zurawik on the GOP debate; movie reviews," Roughly Speaking with Dan Rodricks podcast, The Baltimore Sun (Nov. 6, 2015).
- "Guns and Liberty; Producer Debbie Bilder Talks Drones," Radio Times With Marty Moss-Coane, WYY (October 7, 2015).
- "Guns in Society: Gun Control, Self Defense, and Civil Rights," The Marc Steiner Show, WEAA (July 28, 2015).
- "Talking About Charleston," Midday with Dan Rodricks, WYPR (June 22, 2015).
- "Do Guns Make Us Free?," The Joy Cardin Show, Wisconsin Public Radio (NPR) (June 22, 2015).
- "Do Guns Make Us Free?," Think, KERA (NPR Dallas) (June 10, 2015).
- "On Firearms And Freedom," Midday with Dan Rodricks, WYPR (June 8, 2015).