Product Design Minor

Design Studio Life

Learning product design like being a professional product designer is a social activity. Our studio spaces are designed for creative studio culture designers need to excel. All students majoring in Product Design are provided space to work on their projects. Students have space to store their studio materials and supplies, work in a collaborative space, and experience the ebb and flow of a studio environment. On-going discussion with colleagues, faculty and industry visitors often provides the insightful spark needed to take student's work from good to great.

Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors are provided an individual ergonomic work station. Studio access is the same as the open hours as the Dolphin Design Center building. The Dolphin Design Center Shop and Fab Lab access is varied throughout the semester and is staffed with a Shop Manager and Student Assistants. 

The Product Design Studio is organized in three flexible spaces.

The Collaboration [space] is where classes meet, lectures are held, workshops engage, and collaborative discussions explore. The space is equipped with rolling/folding/nesting tables that can be configured in a multitude of configurations. There is a large TV screen projector and an interactive Span System screen for digital collaboration. A system for distance video conference is available when needed. Rolling whiteboards and work surfaces to pin up work are provided.

The Work [space] is where Juniors and Seniors can set up a work area for the year. Each student, or pair of students, is provided with an ergonomic height adjustable desk, personal magnetic white board, personal pinup panels, lockable storage drawers and open shelves. Plenty of connections for digital tools are integrated into the workstations. Professors will often meet with students individually at their desk to review ongoing project work.

The Make [space] is our "messy" space. Downdraft tables for sanding, wood tables with lockable cubbies underneath, carbon air extractor filters and stainless steel tables for working in silicon casting materials, sewing machines, small shop equipment (band saw and drill press), hand tools, and protective gear are provided. Some classes are taught in here but mostly it is a space for students to work on iterative exploration in benign materials such as styrene foams, cardboard, foam core, fabrics, paper, Industrial Design sulphur free clay, and silicon casting materials. Other materials are worked on in the shop downstairs (wood, plastics, urethane foams, and more) and 3D printing is done upstairs in the Fab Lab.